Safe, quick, and effective workouts for busy moms
Plus information that you can't find anywhere else. Like what the heck is a diastasis? Why am I peeing when I sneeze? How can I prevent low back pain? We'll address these topics in your educational content videos as well as in each workout.

Weekly workout plans
You'll never log on and wonder "What video should I do today?" There's a clear plan to follow, so your week of workouts is balanced and complete. The program is deigned to grow and change with you.
You'll never log on and wonder "What video should I do today?" There's a clear plan to follow, so your week of workouts is balanced and complete. The program is deigned to grow and change with you.

Do it on "mom time"
Time is a luxury when you're a mom or just a busy lady in today's society - these workouts are carefully crafted to give you the maximum benefit in 30 minutes or less. Sometimes less is more!
Time is a luxury when you're a mom or just a busy lady in today's society - these workouts are carefully crafted to give you the maximum benefit in 30 minutes or less. Sometimes less is more!

Your questions answered
There's so much fear and uncertainty around pre and post natal fitness. I'm here to make sure ALL your questions are answered and you feel safe and empowered with the choices in the program.
There's so much fear and uncertainty around pre and post natal fitness. I'm here to make sure ALL your questions are answered and you feel safe and empowered with the choices in the program.

Talk to me!
There's nothing I love more than chatting with expecting or new moms and hearing your unique history and concerns. I want to set you up for success, which is why when you subscribe you get a FREE consultation with me.
There's nothing I love more than chatting with expecting or new moms and hearing your unique history and concerns. I want to set you up for success, which is why when you subscribe you get a FREE consultation with me.

When was the last time you made time for YOU?
As a mom, a mom to be, a woman, you know how it feels to take care of everyone else. I invite you to take some time to take care of yourself. Are you ready to make your move?
Choose your plan
Both plans include:
34 week Prenatal Program
10 week Postpartum Program
Over 25 educational videos on the pelvic floor, diastasis recti, C-section recovery and more
Interviews with women's health experts
A complimentary consultation with Julia and constant support